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The month of Ramadan 1440 Hijri, the Muslim Holy Month of the year is expected to begin on 06 May 2019 (upon the sighting of the new crescent moon), and Muslims community of SIDMA College joining the Muslims all over the world, will embarked upon a month-long spiritual journey of fasting, offering prayers, self-reflection and charity work beginning 06 May 2019. This is in-line with the Prophet’s teaching that ‘when the month of Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell-fire are closed and that the devils are chained (Bukhari & Muslims).

A new batch of 25 English Enhancement Programme (EEP) students from the January/February 2019 new students recently completed their 28 hours immersion into the programme. During the programme, the students were provided with intensive training in reading, writing, listening as well as presentation skills.

This special English programme, which was launched on 14 February 2017 by Madam Azizah Khalid Merican (CEO), is another example of SIDMA’s Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) to complement and supplement students’ mastery in English Language Proficiency level in order for them to achieve their personal and professional goals, by providing the necessary guidance and scaffolding.

“The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”   Alvin Toffler.


SIDMA College Sabah realizing the fact that times and schools have changed; and that gone are the days whereby students in schools are sitting in rows, repeating and memorizing facts, poring over textbooks, and having pages and work to be done as homework. Advancement in teaching pedagogy as a result of the latest academic research and the technological developments such as 21st Century Skills all have helped shift in the understanding of what great teaching and learning looks like.
